Hand drawn Mostly drawings from high school or college. Blue and yellow macaw Blue and yellow macaw Scarlet macaw Blue-fronted Amazon Peregrine Falcon European Kingfisher Euroasian Nuthatch European Bee-eater European Goldfinch Great Crested Grebe Toco Toucan Sharp-shinned Hawk Merlin Blue Jay Blue Jay Blue Jay Northern Pintail Cheetah Red-eyed Tree Frog Wolf family A house on the edge (pencils) A house on the edge (markers) Death from Neil Gaiman’s Sandman Archer (Ragnarök Online) Priest (Ragnarök Online) Assassin(Ragnarök Online) Thief (Ragnarök Online) Knight (Ragnarök Online) Assassin (Ragnarök Online) Object drawing BMW ad The Subconscious Michel Turner’s Witchblade